SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium
SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium

Novel Non-PFAS Polymer Processing Aids for Polyolefins

Presented by:
Zach Charlton, Ingenia Polymers

Fluoroelastomers have been used successfully for several decades as polymer processing aids (PPAs) to eliminate sharkskin melt fracture and reduce die lip buildup in polyolefin extrusion processes. Fluoroelastomers fall under the broad OECD definition of Per- and poly- Fluoro Alkyl Substances (PFAS). PFAS face increasing regulatory and market scrutiny. A brief summary of evolving regulations and consumer demands restricting the use of PFAS in food packaging applications is provided. Ingenia Polymers has successfully introduced several non-PFAS, non-siloxane polymer processing aids for use in polyolefin extrusion processes. The performance of these novel non-PFAS PPAs in eliminating sharkskin and reducing die lip buildup in blown and cast film processes is presented. Ingenia’s non-PFAS PPAs can be delivered directly to film producers via masterbatch, or to polymer producers via 100% active polymer additive preblends.

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