SPE & Girl Scout Councils - Wonders of Polymer Science Patch
SPE & Girl Scout Councils - Wonders of Polymer Science Patch

SPE & Girl Scouts - Wonders of Polymer Science Patch

SPE & Girl Scout Councils

Wonders of Polymer Science Patch

Plastic is an important material for our modern lifestyle. Polymer scientists and engineers are improving the world by developing new materials to make items like shoes, medical equipment, cars parts and bike helmets. Discover the fascinating properties of plastics and how they fit into your world.

This patch is made possible by SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals.

Download the 2022-23 Mid-Year Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas/SPE Foundation Partnership Report here.

Explore the Wonders of Polymer Science activities:

To bring this program to your council, contact Mark Richardson at mrichardson@4spe.org.
