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Technical Article Briefs

High-speed fabrication of thermoplastic carbon-fiber fabric composites
Jae R. Youn , Ye Ji Noh, Seong Yun Kim, January 2014

Thermoplastic carbon-fiber fabric composites can be made by low-viscosity and in-situ polymerizable cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomer resin within a few minutes.

Biobased and biodegradable polylactide composites with waste cotton fibers
Ewa Piorkowska, January 2014

Blending polylactide with other polymers, fibers, and fillers leads to novel materials with modified properties.

Polyvinyl chloride/halloysite nanotube nanocomposites
Cong Liu, January 2014

Reinforcing polyvinyl chloride with halloysite nanotubes, a naturally occurring form of aluminosilicate mineral, produced a nanocomposite with improved mechanical properties and thermal stability.

Prestressed polymer composites have enhanced mechanical performance
Kevin Fancey, January 2014

Viscoelastic recovery improves the mechanical performance of polymer-fiber composite materials without needing to increase their weight or cross-section thickness.

Toughening epoxy thermosetting polymer
Golnaz Samandari, Siamak Zavareh, January 2014

Adding small amounts of liquid polyethylene glycol to an epoxy matrix improves its impact strength and fracture resistance without significantly affecting its tensile properties.

Chicken eggshell as a biofiller in polypropylene composites
Shashikant, Gurpreet Singh Kapur , Jatinder Singh Dhaliwal, January 2014

Chemically modified chicken eggshell acts as an effective biofiller that enhances the mechanical properties of polypropylene composites.

Melting in starve-fed single screw extrusion
Adrian Lewandowski, Krzysztof J. Wilczynski, Andrzej Nastaj, Krzysztof Wilczynski, December 2013

A novel model describes the way in which thermoplastics melt by dissipative and conductive mechanisms, taking metering, melting, and solid conveying into account.

Electrically conductive hybrid elastomeric nanocomposites
Moshe Narkis, Ran Y. Suckeveriene, Shiran Lupo, Guy Mechrez, Rosa Tchoudakov, Irena Brook, December 2013

A novel synthesis method uniformly disperses polyaniline and carbon nanotubes in an elastomeric matrix, resulting in a nanocomposite with tunable conductivity and enhanced mechanical properties.

Chitosan/titanium oxide composite: a photocatalyst and bacteriocide
Yuvaraj Haldorai, December 2013

A chitosan/titanium oxide composite exhibited high photocatalytic activity against harmful dyes as well as antibacterial properties, and it was easier to recover from the environment than titanium oxide alone.

Water-assisted melt mixing and solid-state polymerization of PET/clay nanocomposites
Minh-Tan Ton-That, Musa R. Kamal, Tahereh Mousavand, Pierre J. Carreau , Maryam Dini, December 2013

Feeding steam into a twin-screw extruder during fabrication improves the microstructure of PET nanocomposites while subsequent solid-state polymerization enhances their mechanical properties.

Effect of functionalized nanoparticles on properties of polymer nanocomposites
Baicun Zheng , Heng Lin, Hongling Yi, Juan Liu, Xiaohui Li, December 2013

Nanosilica and polytetrafluoroethylene particles functionalized with specific modifiers enhance the properties of polyamide 6 polymer matrices.

Fiber metal laminates
Pedro Cortes, December 2013

Layering metal alloys and fiber-reinforced thermoplastic-based composites creates a material with outstanding impact properties.

Radar absorbing composites reinforced with barium hexaferrite powder
Erdal Celik, Husnugul Yilmaz Atay, December 2013

Barium hexaferrite-reinforced composites demonstrate tunable electromagnetic properties suited to high-performance radar absorbing applications.

Injection-molded hybrid polymer composites with improved thermal isotropy
Samuel Kenig, Rina Cohen, Pablo Fabian Rios , Amir Shechter, December 2013

As next-generation materials, hybrid polymer composites synergistically combine the properties of traditional polymer composites and more recent polymer nanocomposites.

Optimizing the dispersion of multifunctional nanofillers
Lawrence Drzal, Huang Wu, December 2013

Solid-state ball milling, a new solventless compounding method, simultaneously lowers the percolation threshold and achieves excellent mechanical properties in processed nanocomposites.

Measuring the concentration of phthalate plasticizers in poly(vinyl chloride)
John F. O'Connell, Michael T. K. Ling, Vadim V. Krongauz, December 2013

A new gas chromatography method was used to analyze phthalate plasticizer concentration after poly(vinyl chloride) sample dissolution with consequent phthalate extraction and polymer precipitation.

Re-extrusion of wood polymer composites and its effects
Abbas Zolfaghari, Peyman Shahi, Amir Hossein Behravesh , Majid TabkhPaz, November 2013

Reprocessing wood polymer composites may improve their physical and mechanical properties.

Silver nanoparticles for wound dressings: electrochemical synthesis inside Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) hydrogel
Aleksandra Radosavljevic , Branislav Nikolic, Bojana Obradovic, Vesna Miskovic-Stankovic , Jasmina Stojkovska, Zeljka Jovanovic, Zorica Kacarevic-Popovic, November 2013

Electrochemically reducing silver ions in situ within a swollen hydrogel network produces a strong material that slowly releases antibacterial nanosilver.

Replacing platinum in a dye-sensitized solar cell
Sook-Wai Phang , Kavirajaa Pandian Sambasevam, Desmond Teck-Chye Ang, Seng-Neon Gan, Keisuke Kawata, Noriyuki Kuramoto, November 2013

Polyaniline nanocomposite synthesized with alkyd has good adhesion to fluoride-doped tin oxide and could be used as a low-cost counter electrode for photovoltaics.

Preparing micro/nanocellular open-pore polypropylene foam
Masahiro Oshima , Haruo Shikuma, Shunya Yasuhara, Ryoma Miyamoto, November 2013

A sorbitol-based additive acts as an excellent crystal and bubble nucleating agent during core-back foam injection molding.

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Any article that is cited in another manuscript or other work is required to use the correct reference style. Below is an example of the reference style for SPE articles:

Brown, H. L. and Jones, D. H. 2016, May.
"Insert title of paper here in quotes,"
ANTEC 2016 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA May 23-25, 2016. [On-line].
Society of Plastics Engineers
Available: www.4spe.org.

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