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Technical Article Briefs

Improving the performance of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene composites
Jiawei Duan, Qiang Dou, April 2013

Maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene facilitates the formation of ß-type polypropylene, makes it more compatible with titanate-treated calcium carbonate, and increases the toughness of the composites.

Nanocomposites via sol-gel reaction and nylon polymerization
Zehra Kalkan , Lloyd A. Goettler, April 2013

Combining two common polymerization techniques generates reinforcing particles that increase modulus up to 20%.

Enhancing polyamide properties with alumina whiskers
Francisco Guitian, J. Miguel Caamano, Victor Valcarcel, Carmen Cerecedo, Xoan Garcia, Rosalia Noguerol, Maria Jose Abad , Ana Ares, March 2013

Short fibers with a different morphology and composition can improve the thermal stability of polyamide composites.

Modeling post-fatigue behavior of nanocomposite fibers
Karl Jacob, Rodney Averett , Mary Realff, March 2013

Genetic artificial neural networks can predict the stress-strain response of fibers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and its nanocomposites.

Halloysite nanotubes as reinforcing fillers in polymeric nanocomposites
Rosario Elida Suman Bretas, Juliano Marini, March 2013

Modifying the surface of halloysite nanotubes by grafting with an aminosilane increases the dynamic-mechanical properties of the nanocomposite.

Effect of a plasticizer on a solid polymer electrolyte
Poonam Sharma, Dinesh K. Kanchan , Nirali Gondaliya, March 2013

Adding a polyethylene glycol plasticizer did not significantly improve the ionic conductivity of two polyethylene oxide-metal salt electrolytes with nanofillers.

Understanding textile fractures
Toan Vu-Khanh, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Ennouri Triki, March 2013

The ability of fabrics to withstand tears can be easily predicted and understood in terms of their yarn and thickness.

Loosely-grafted and star-shaped polymethacrylates with epoxide groups
Dorota Neugebauer , Anna Mielanczyk, Paulina Maksym-Bebenek, February 2013

Reactive epoxide groups were incorporated into loosely-grafted or star-shaped copolymers synthesized from glycidyl methacrylate in atom transfer radical polymerization.

High-shear-rate capillary rheology of polystyrene melt
Wei-Sheng Guan , Han-Xiong Huang, February 2013

A systematic investigation of the superimposed effects in high-shear-rate capillary flow of polystyrene melt yields the polymer's true shear viscosity curve.

Nanofibrous meshes by advanced electrospinning
Dilhan M. Kalyon , Cevat Erisken, Halil Gevgilili, Semra Senturk-Ozer, Daniel Ward, February 2013

A novel process incorporating twin screw extrusion and electrospinning permits in-line polymer processing and inclusion of nanoparticles for structurally and compositionally complex fiber meshes.

Palm-oil-based unsaturated polyester
Choay Mon Lai, Hj Din Rozman, Guan-Seng Tay, February 2013

The activation energy for synthesizing unsaturated polyester from palm oil using different reactant ratios and catalysts was investigated, along with the solubility and miscibility behavior of the resultant polymer.

Clay platelets alter the thermal properties of Nylon
Tong Wan , Biao Wang, February 2013

By the incorporation of montmorillonite platelets, Nylon nanocomposites exhibit higher melting points and modulus after melt-state annealing compared with virgin Nylon.

Toward mass production of illuminating plastic moldings
Bethany Middleton, February 2013

A novel spray deposition technique makes it possible to produce an electroluminescent structure covered with injection-molded plastic to form a curved illuminating surface.

Polymer-silver nanocomposites with antimicrobial properties
Navin Chand, Manika Mahendra , Sunil Bajpai, February 2013

The formation of silver nanoparticles within a polymer matrix yields a novel antibacterial material with potential biomedical applications.

Role of nano zinc oxide in the vulcanization of natural rubber
P. Ramya, C. Ranganathaiah, Sajeev Martin George, Sabu Thomas, P. Bindu, January 2013

Replacing micro zinc oxide with nano zinc oxide in the accelerated sulfur vulcanization of natural rubber yields a vulcanizate with improved properties.

High-performance, natural rubber thermoplastic elastomers using accelerated electrons
Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagenknecht, Gert Heinrich, Manas Mondal, January 2013

A high-performance thermoplastic elastomer was developed using polypropylene, masticated natural rubber, grafting co-agent, and high-energy electrons.

Influence of rare-earth thermal stabilizers on polyvinyl chloride
Mitang Wang, Yanhong Hu, Zhaogang Liu, Mei Li, Zaiyong Jiang , Haiou Wang, January 2013

A new type of organic, rare-earth thermal stabilizer has been prepared with the goal of increasing the compatibility of rare earth compounds with polyvinyl chloride.

Optimizing the performance of silica/polyvinyl chloride composites
Milena Zorko, Ivan Jerman, Boris Orel, Marjetka Conradi , Ignaas Verpoest, January 2013

Polyvinyl chloride composites incorporating a high volume fraction of nanosilica fillers show improved mechanical properties.

Green polylactide blends for durable applications
Yeh Wang , Shu-M. Chiao, January 2013

Modifying polylactide/polycarbonate blends with a poly(butylene succinate-co-L-lactate) compatibilizer improves interfacial adhesion, to achieve high impact strength and heat resistance.

Optical performance of gas-assist injection molding
Antonio J. Carrillo, Avraam I. Isayev, January 2013

Simulation and experimentation are used to analyze birefringence in objects produced by the gas-assist injection molding process.

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Brown, H. L. and Jones, D. H. 2016, May.
"Insert title of paper here in quotes,"
ANTEC 2016 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA May 23-25, 2016. [On-line].
Society of Plastics Engineers
Available: www.4spe.org.

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