SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium
SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium

The Life Cascade Project

Presented by:
Christian Carboni, De Nora Water Technology Italy Srl

The Life-Cascade project is a project funded by the European Union. In the project, two categories of emerging (micro) pollutants of great interest in the textile sector have been selected: poly- and per-fluorinated compounds (PFAS) and Microplastics. The output of the project includes standardized and multi-lab validated analytical protocols to detect and quantify PFAS and Microplastics contaminants in heterogeneous textile wastewaters (WW) and a modular set of WW treatment units to be installed at factory- and central WW treatment plant-levels. Besides, the exposure and effects of PFAS and MP on aquatic ecosystem in “natural” conditions and after specific treatments will be elucidated. The project's demonstration solutions will be installed and tested in the Como Textile District and lab-scale experiments will also be carried out in cooperation with the Portugal textile district. The implementation of the treatments will make it possible to reduce the discharge into the environment of these micropollutants both with the treated wastewater and with the sewage sludge and will allow reuse of the treated wastewater avoiding the reintroduction of pollutants into the production system. The project also foresees to deepen the ecotoxicological assessment and to develop the feasibility of feeding the industrial aqueduct with treated wastewater. The project, which started in October 2023, will develop over 4 years. In this first year of activity, the optimization activities of the analytical methods necessary for the identification and quantification of the analytes of interest in the various matrices and the characterization activities of wastewater related to textile processes in Italy and Portugal and of centralized treatment plant wastewater are being carried out. In the meantime, work has begun on the structuring and installation of laboratory-scale treatment plants for the first experimental campaigns.

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