SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium
SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium

Contributing to a Circular Economy from a Masterbatch Point of View

Presented by:
Tony Dapante, Astra Polymers

The expanding world population, climate change, water stress, environmental degradations, species extinction make it painfully clear that something needs to change in our society. Converting to a circular economy is part of the solution. There is a correlation between greenhouse gas emissions and HDI (Human Development Index). With rapidly expanding middle classes in developing countries ,one can predict future energy needs and consumption. This evolution is virtually impossible to stop. In this paper we will try to explain causes, projections for the next decades and which routes can be applied to evolve to a circular economy. Where does it make sense to change packaging to easier mechanical recycling. Is it always a positive move or is it offset by shorter shelf life resulting in more packaging and increase food waste. What is the alternative in case mechanical recycling does not offer a viable solution. How can a masterbatch company help in the change towards a circular economy.

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