SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium
SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium

White UV Masterbatch for High UV Performance

Presented by:
Yousof Ghazzawi, SABIC

Polyethylene is one of the most commonly used polymers. Due to its high crystallinity, high chemical resistance, low moisture absorption, and relatively low price, it is used in a wide range of applications. Because of its low UV resistance, PE needs to be mixed with a UV master batch to improve its UV resistance. Although carbon black is well known for that purpose, black color is not always acceptable for all applications. In this work, a white UV master batch was used to provide the desired UV resistance. Results show even after over a year of exposure, the drop in mechanical properties is marginal and meet the expectations in terms of both tensile strength and impact resistance.

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