SPE News Member Spotlight

Ananya Ghosh
Application Development Engineer
Foster Corporation

SPE Member since 08/2017

SPE: Please give us 3 things about yourself.

Ananya: First, I am a materials enthusiast. Any and all questions on polymer materials and chemistry are welcome! Second, I love to talk, meet new people, network. And, third, I believe in manifestation- ‘You are what you think!’

SPE: What is your favorite SPE member benefit?

Ananya: Access to wide number of free technical webinars, papers, literature; an avenue for continuous learning and growth.

SPE: Why the plastics industry as a career choice?  

Ananya: Plastic is something so common and yet can do so many unique things. Right from the time I wake up until I go to sleep - plastic goods touch countless activities in my life. From my toothbrush to my car, from headphones to medical devices. And being in the plastics industry gives me so many avenues to affect human lives.

SPE: If not applications engineer in the plastics industry, what career would you choose? 

Ananya: I always wanted to create an impact on people’s lives by influencing them towards something I believe is right and good. As a child I thought a welfare/social worker had the ability to do so. As I grew up, I came to the realization that anyone in any role has the ability to do so. So if not a plastics professional, I would choose to be a free spirited dancer or a musician...not saying that I have talent for either.

SPE: What is the coolest thing you ever worked on?

Ananya: As an undergrad, my senior year project was to design a heavy metal filtration membrane for a drinking water supply using pumpkin so that’s probably the most exciting project I have worked on.

SPE: Why has it been important for you to be an SPE member?

Ananya: Once you start working in the industry it is very convenient to start thinking unidirectionally due to your niche and environment at work. To keep ideas/thoughts fresh, new and varied, it is important to meet people from different work cultures and specializations. Besides, even within your industry, it is impossible to know everything. Being an SPE member and having access to fellow members in the plastics community who are today my friends, mentors, and acquaintances, helps me learn and progress. To me it’s like being a part of privileged network.

SPE: Favorite ANTEC® memory?

Ananya: I attended my first ANTEC® when I was a student at Umass Lowell pursuing my Master's degree. After an ANTEC® social event, one of the professionals I know personally started talking everything polymer, polymer jokes, polymer references, polymer everything….and I thought I want to be like him. I want to love what I do so much that I talk about it when I am drunk. That’s how amazing and important ANTEC® and SPE has been in my career.

SPE: One thing you would like people to know about you?

Ananya: I am a stickler for routine and structure in my personal life.

SPE: What’s your favorite plastics product?

Ananya: Food packaging. I am from India and if not for those durable, barrier film Indian curry packages I get in US, I would not have survived here for long.

SPE: You are a member of  SPE’s Young Professional Committee. How did you get involved?

Ananya: I reached out as a student to the then chair of the Next Gen Advisory Board, Mercedes Landazuri. She explained to me the motivation behind the group and sponsored my first SPE conference. I met a bunch of energetic, passionate and fun plastics people who were ready to do it all. There was just no turning back after that first conference trip.

SPE: Why is it important to volunteer on the YPC?

Ananya: I am here today because I was fortunate to have the right mentors in every part of my student and professional life. Someone has helped me in each of my steps and, even currently, there are people there to constantly help me reach my goals. I want to be able to give back to the community what I have received.

SPE: What are you looking to accomplish with YPC?

Ananya: I want to build an uplifting and strong community of plastics engineers who are ready to tackle sustainability and environmental issues with the same intent as they would for developing new technologies.

SPE: Best advice you give you could give someone entering the plastics industry?

Ananya: Network! Network! Network. 

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