Honored Service Member Nomination Form

To be elected as an Honored Service Member (HSM), a candidate shall have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of plastics engineering, science or technology, or in the management of such activities. Candidates shall be sponsored, in writing, by the Board of Directors of at least one Section or Division, or by a committee of the Society organized for this purpose. Candidates are required to be a member in good standing for six consecutive years. As part of the application process, candidates shall have their professional credentials evaluated.

An SPE member may be nominated for the Honored Service Member by the Board of Directors of a Chapter, or directly by the SPE HSM Nominating Committee. 


As the nominator, please provide your information in the following fields.

Nominator First Name: *
Nominator Last Name: *
Nominator Phone: *
Nominator Email: *
SPE Section or Division: *
Nominator Acting As: *

Clear Selection


Please enter who you are nominating for the SPE Honored Service Member:

Nominee First Name: *
Nominee Last Name: *
Nominee Phone: *
Nominee Email: *


Action by the Process Champion is crucial to the success of the nomination process. They will:

  • Facilitate the distribution and submission of the nominee's scoresheet, achievements, and sponsor statements.
  • Verify that SPE bylaws and guidelines are followed.
  • Submit all paperwork electronically to SPE Headquarters for distribution to the HSM Election Committee.
  • Do any required follow-up.

Please indicate who will be the Process Champion for this nominee:

Process Champion First Name: *
Process Champion Last Name: *
Process Champion Phone: *
Process Champion Email: *

Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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