SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium
SPE Middle East Additives & Color Conference & PFAS Symposium

Sustainable Polyolefin Films Using Novel Additive Masterbatches

Presented by:
Ali Goger, Ingenia Polymers

Challenges to improving recycling rates of polymer films include the retention of physical properties during aggressive recycling processes and dealing with mixed polymer streams and contamination. Solutions to these problems are presented. Multilayer film waste of polyethylene with EVOH, Nylon or PET is typically landfilled or recycled into low end applications. The poor compatibility of the barrier resins with PE prevents their ready recycle back into PE film applications. Use of maleic-anhydride grafted polyolefins has been used with some success to improve the compatibility of these multilayer streams. A newly developed novel compatibilizer is presented, which enables recycling of multilayer films into polyethylene using very low ratios of compatibilizer to barrier material is compared to conventional MAH-grafted compatibilizers. The novel compatibilizer shows improved retention of physical properties at reduced usage rates versus current industry solutions. In addition, previous developments on liquid phosphite masterbatches, are applied to improved stabilization masterbatches optimized for recycle streams. These liquid phosphite masterbatches demonstrate significant improvements in MFR and color stability, and reduced gel formation in multi-pass extrusion experiments at low loadings. These compatibilizer and stabilization masterbatches enable the incorporation of recycled materials into high quality polyolefin films.

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