Plastics Engineering 80th Anniversary Information Request

As part of SPE’s 80th Anniversary, one of the many activities planned throughout 2022 is a special commemorative issue of Plastics Engineering (PE) magazine, which will be published in July/August. This keepsake issue will be a major reference for plastics industry history and outlook. For those who want to be part of this special issue that will be read, referenced and reviewed for years to come, please take a few minutes to provide your ideas by filling out the form below.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Are you an SPE Member? *

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If you are an SPE Member, when did you join?
What would you like to see covered in the 80th Anniversary issue of Plastics Engineering? (i.e., technologies, applications, products, etc.)
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Would you be willing to provide historical information, photos, videos, data, etc. that could potentially be used in the 80th Anniversary issue?

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If willing to provide information, what would you be providing?
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If you have historical photos you'd like to share now, please use the following fields for your uploads. Please upload high resolution (300 dpi) .jpg or .eps files. These photos can be from SPE events, significant products and/or applications you have worked on, people who have impacted SPE and the plastics industry, etc.

Photo File 1:
Photo File 2:
Photo File 3:
Photo File 4:
Photo File 5:
Photo File 6:
Additional thoughts or comments:
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