SPE WEBINAR: Meet "Teach The Geek"

March 3, 2022; 11:00AM
Virtual Event


Learn more about the "Teach the Geek to Speak" program with Neil Thompson
Hosted by SPE CEO Pat Farrey

Does presenting make you nervous?
Do you struggle with time limitations or find yourself fumbling through your slides?
Take this free webinar to learn more about a program designed to help you command the room for your next presentation.

Teach the Geek to Speak Society program

Cost: Free to Attend


Neil Thompson
Teach the Geek

Neil Thompson is a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur. He started out his career as a product development engineer, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Eventually, he went on to become a professional engineer. Neil is an ongoing contributor to Urbangeekz online magazine, and has contributed to Mechanical Engineering magazine, Tech Directions magazine, and PsychCentral. He started his journey in public speaking out of necessity, as he had to present in front of senior management every month at one of his engineering positions. After one too many failed presentations, he knew he had to work on his public speaking skills. He took what he learned in becoming more effective at public speaking and created the Teach the Geek to Speak course. He has presented at Society for Biomaterials, AICHE, and American Nuclear Society, among others. Neil also hosts a podcast that focuses on public speaking, offering tips and interviewing those with STEM backgrounds about public speaking.

Host Pat Farrey
SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals



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Teach the Geek to Speak Society

SPE members get a 25% discount on Teach the Geek to Speak Society program. Use discount code "SPE" when registering.

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